Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
AS - Asia 39
EU - Europa 6
NA - Nord America 4
OC - Oceania 3
SA - Sud America 2
Totale 54
Nazione #
SG - Singapore 24
HK - Hong Kong 15
IT - Italia 6
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4
AU - Australia 3
BO - Bolivia 2
Totale 54
Città #
Hong Kong 15
Singapore 15
Epping 3
Milan 3
Santa Cruz 2
Seattle 2
Verona 2
Rome 1
Totale 43
Nome #
What is the impact of autotransplantation on the long-term stability and patient satisfaction of impacted canines? A Systematic Review 7
The importance of promoting oral health in scholls: a pilot study 5
Food, eating and nutrition : a multidisciplinare approach 4
Malocclusion and Scoliosis : Is There a Correlation ? 4
Clear aligners technique: patient's expectations and perceptions 4
Nuove Tendenze in Terapia Miofunzionale -Occlusione , Muscoli e Postura 3
Motivation, Perception, and Behavior of the Adult Orthodontic Patient: A Survey Analysis 2
Use of Edibles as Effective Tools in Myofunctional Therapy: A Pilot Study 2
Role of 3D-CT for orthodontic and ENT evaluation in Goldenhar syndrome 2
Evaluation of the Nasolabial Angle in Orthodontic Diagnosis.: A Systematic Review 2
Anatomia Radiologica e Cefalometria 2
Terapia miofunzionale ed Ortognatodonzia: occlusione, muscoli e postura 2
Coronavirus Lockdown as a Major Life Stressor: Does it Affect TMD Symptoms? 2
Is there any correlation between malocclusion, temporomandibular disorders and systemic disease? The importance of differential diagnosis 2
Myofunctional therapy. Part 1: Culture, industrialisation and the shrinking human face 2
Upper Airway Changes and OSAS Risk in Patients after Mandibular Setback Surgery to Treat III Class Skeletal Malocclusion. 2
Causal relationship between malocclusion and oral muscles dysfunction: a model of approach 2
Does a short lingual frenulum affect body posture? Assessment of posture in the sagittal plane before and after laser frenulotomy: a pilot study. 2
Proposal for a myofunctional therapy protocol in case of altered lingual frenulum. A pilot study 2
Diagnosis, treatment planning and orthodontic treatment in patients with ameloblastoma 2
Proposal of use of the autotransplantation of the third molar as space maintainer in growing patients: a review of literature and a clinical case 2
The relationship between TMJ symptoms and gut disease 2
Telemedicine for a Multidisciplinary Assessment of Orofacial Pain in a Patient Affected by Eagle's Syndrome: A Clinical Case Report 2
The digital revolution in orthodontic Therapy : focus on Invisalign 2
Physioterapists and Osteopath’s Attitudes : Training in Management of Temporomandibular Disorders 2
null 2
A Study of cellular toxicity in vitro of two resins for orthodontic use 2
Motivation, Perception, and Behavior of the Adult Orthodontic Patient: A Survey Analysis 2
A specific protocol of myo-functional therapy in children with Down syndrome. A pilot study 2
La terapia funzionale nella crescita del viso e del sorriso da 0 a 6 anni 2
Utility of Teleorthodontics in Orthodontic Emergencies during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review 2
Evaluation of the effects on SpO2 of N95mask (FFP2)on dental health care providers : a cross -sectional observational study 2
Efficacy of Rapid Maxillary Expansion with or without Previous Adenotonsillectomy for Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Based on Polysomnographic Data: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 2
Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Orthodontic Treatments: A Survey Analysis 2
The role of myofunctional therapy in the treatment of malocclusions: A clinical case The importance of differential diagnosis 2
The relationship between TMJ symptoms and orthodontic treatments: a survey on 236 orthodontic patients 2
Short-TermEffects of a Myofunctional Appliance on Atypical Swallowing and lip Strength: A Prospective Study 2
Retrospective Epidemiological Study of Mandibular Rotational Types in Patients with Orthodontical Malocclusion”, 2
Maldevelopment of the cranio-facial-respiratory complex: A Darwinian perspective. 2
Association between oral habits,mouth breathing and malocclusion in Italian preschooler 2
A new factor involved during childbirth labor: the importance of having a good dental occlusion 2
Proposal for a myofunctional therapy protocol in case of altered lingual frenulum. A pilot study 2
Perspectives of tele-orthodontics in the COVID-19emergency and as a future tool in daily practice 2
Cone beam CT evaluation of skeletal and nasomaxillary complex volume changes after rapid maxillary expansion in OSA children 2
Prevention of malocclusion and the importance of early diagnosis in the italian young population 2
Nuove tendenze in Terapia Miofunzionale-Occlusione , Muscoli e Postura 2
Pulpo-dentin protection: the biocompatibility of materials most commonly used in restorative work. A literature review 1
Oral Appliances for Severe Positional Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: A Case Report 1
Eagle's Syndrome: from the clinical presentation to the diagnosis and surgical treatment of a case report. Sindrome di Eagle: aspetti clinici, diagnostici e trattamento chirurgico. 1
Comparison between two radiological methods for assessment of tooth root resorption: an in vitro study 1
Patients treated with orthodontic-myofunctional therapeutic protocol 1
Myofunctional Therapy Part 4: Prevention and treatment of dentofacial and oronasal disorders 1
The validity of panoramic radiograph as a diagnostic method for elongated styloid process: A systematic review. 1
Complications of oral piercing: a review of the literature and two case report 1
The Potential of Digital Impression in Orthodontics Dent. J. 2022, 10, 147. 1
Myofunctional therapy Part 2: Prevention of dentofacial disorders 1
Case report of patients treated with an orthodontic and myofunctional protocol 1
The different perception of the gummy smile among patients and clinicians 1
Traumatic Events and Eagle Syndrome: Is There Any Correlation? A Systematic Review 1
Myofunctional therapy. Part 1: Culture, industrialisation and the shrinking human face 1
Evaluation of the Loss of Strength, Resistance, and Elasticity in the Different Types of Intraoral Orthodontic Elastics (IOE): A Systematic Review of the Literature of In Vitro Studies 1
Tongue Posture, Tongue Movements, Swallowing, and Cerebral Areas Activation: A Functional Magnetic Resonance 1
Totale 126
Categoria #
all - tutte 951
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 951

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2024/2025126 0 0 0 0 0 126 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 126