The so-called Recast of EU Regulation no. 848/2015 carried, among others, to the inclu- sion of over-indebtness proceedings established by the Italian laws between those subject to the recognition and coordination regime within European Union territories. The identification of the place where is the centre of main interests (the so-called COMI) plays a key role to recognize the rank of main proceeding under Art. 3 and the EU legislature made that identification easier by several pre- sumptions and, therefore, more predictable for thirds parties. The Court of Justice, for the first time, ruled on the relevance of the ownership of a real estate in another member State such as a factor able to exclude the applicability of the presumption according to which the COMI should be located where a natural person, non-trader or non-professional, has his/her residence. The judgment, even if the first one on this topic, resolves the question referred for a preliminary ruling on the grounds of the previous judgments in the field of company law and, for this, establishes a strong connection with the Court jurisprudence, improving the stability to implemented principles. The same approach could be adopted in the future to deal with other questions related to the natural person COMI. Notwithstand- ing the ruling refers to EU Regulation no. 848/2015, the Court approach should fundamental also for the interpretation of Art. 27 of the Codice della crisi d’impresa e dell’insolvenza.
La c.d. rifusione del Regolamento UE n. 848/2015 ha condotto, oltre al resto, all’inclu- sione delle procedure di sovraindebitamento previste dalla legislazione italiana tra quelle assogget- tate alla disciplina di riconoscimento e coordinamento su tutto il territorio dell’Unione Europea. Cardine dell’assegnazione del ruolo di procedura principale ai sensi dell’art. 3 Reg. cit. è l’in- dividuazione del centro degli interessi principali del debitore (c.d. COMI), che il legislatore UE ha inteso agevolare attraverso un sistema di presunzioni semplici e quindi rendere più prevedibile nell’interesse dei terzi. La Corte di Giustizia, per la prima volta, si pronuncia sull’idoneità della tito- larità della proprietà di un immobile in un altro Stato membro quale elemento sufficiente ad esclu- dere l’applicazione della presunzione di coincidenza del COMI con il luogo di residenza della per- sona fisica che non eserciti attività commerciale o professionale. La sentenza, sebbene chiamata a statuire appunto per la prima volta sul tema, risolve la questione pregiudiziale rifacendosi ai prece- denti in materia societaria e, pertanto, instaurando una linea di continuità, che conferisce maggiore stabilità alla soluzione e che fa emergere un approccio suscettibile di essere riproposto a fronte di altre questioni interpretative sul tema del COMI delle persone fisiche. Per quanto si tratti di una de- cisione riferita al Regolamento UE n. 848/2015, l’impostazione adottata dalla Corte dovrebbe rite- nersi fondamentale anche per la futura applicazione dell’art. 27 Codice della crisi d’impresa e dell’insolvenza.
Boggio L
The so-called Recast of EU Regulation no. 848/2015 carried, among others, to the inclu- sion of over-indebtness proceedings established by the Italian laws between those subject to the recognition and coordination regime within European Union territories. The identification of the place where is the centre of main interests (the so-called COMI) plays a key role to recognize the rank of main proceeding under Art. 3 and the EU legislature made that identification easier by several pre- sumptions and, therefore, more predictable for thirds parties. The Court of Justice, for the first time, ruled on the relevance of the ownership of a real estate in another member State such as a factor able to exclude the applicability of the presumption according to which the COMI should be located where a natural person, non-trader or non-professional, has his/her residence. The judgment, even if the first one on this topic, resolves the question referred for a preliminary ruling on the grounds of the previous judgments in the field of company law and, for this, establishes a strong connection with the Court jurisprudence, improving the stability to implemented principles. The same approach could be adopted in the future to deal with other questions related to the natural person COMI. Notwithstand- ing the ruling refers to EU Regulation no. 848/2015, the Court approach should fundamental also for the interpretation of Art. 27 of the Codice della crisi d’impresa e dell’insolvenza.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.