Introduction Specific Learning Disorders (SpLDs) are neurobiological dysfunctions and include dyslexia,dyscalculia, dysorthography, and dysgraphia. The phenomenon is growing and concerns universities too.The aim of this paper is to make visible the experiences of students with SpLDs during the internship experienceand to identify if they had moments/situations that put them in difficulty by limiting their learning and how theyovercame those.Methods A descriptive qualitative study was conducted. A proactive sample of 7 students with dyslexia, attendingthe 2nd and 3rd year of a nursing course, was selected. Data collection took place through written narratives, inthe period October 2019-January 2021. Data analysis was performed with content analysis.Results One of the most widely used tools for identifying abuse’s risk for high school and university students isAUDIT The analysis process made it possible to identify seven main categories: internship environment, carepractice, compensatory strategies, SpLDs dissemination, support figures, relationship with patients, and learningknowledge. Nursing students have difficulty communicating their dyslexia, and the inclusion in the wards for the internshipgenerates an important inconvenience that is given by not knowing in advance the organizational aspects and theplanning of the activities. Another critical issue is the preparation and administration of medications.Conclusions It is important to know and make known dyslexia to build learning environments in which nursingstudents do not feel stigmatized and for tutors to know the compensatory strategies to support their education.
Introduzione I Disturbi Specifici d’Apprendimento (DSA) sono disfunzioni di natura neurobiologica e includono ladislessia, la discalculia, la disortografia e la disgrafia. Il fenomeno è in crescita e riguarda anche gli atenei.L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è di esplorare l’esperienza degli studenti di Infermieristica con DSA nel percorso ditirocinio e identificare se vi sono stati momenti/situazioni che li hanno messi in difficoltà limitando il loroapprendimento e come li hanno superati.Materiali e metodi È stato condotto uno studio qualitativo descrittivo con un campione propositivo di 7 studenticon DSA, frequentanti il 2° e 3° anno di un corso di Infermieristica. La raccolta dei dati, nel periodo ottobre 2019-gennaio 2021, è stata effettuata attraverso scritti narrativi. L’analisi dei testi è stata condotta con la contentanalysis.Risultati Il processo di analisi ha consentito di identificare sette categorie tematiche: ambiente di tirocinio, praticaassistenziale, strategie compensative, divulgazione DSA, figure di supporto, rapporto con assistiti eapprendimento conoscenze. Gli studenti infermieri hanno difficoltà a comunicare il proprio DSA e l’inserimentonelle unità operative genera un importante disagio, dato dal non conoscere in anticipo gli aspetti organizzativi ela pianificazione delle attività. Un’altra criticità è l’allestimento e la somministrazione della terapia.Conclusioni È importante conoscere e far conoscere i DSA per costruire ambienti di tirocinio in cui gli studentiinfermieri non si sentano stigmatizzati e che i tutor conoscano le strategie compensative per supportare il loropercorso formativo.
“Esplorare la pratica clinica con occhi diversi”: l'esperienza di tirocinio degli studenti di Infermieristica con DSA in Italia, uno studio qualitativo
Galletti C
Introduction Specific Learning Disorders (SpLDs) are neurobiological dysfunctions and include dyslexia,dyscalculia, dysorthography, and dysgraphia. The phenomenon is growing and concerns universities too.The aim of this paper is to make visible the experiences of students with SpLDs during the internship experienceand to identify if they had moments/situations that put them in difficulty by limiting their learning and how theyovercame those.Methods A descriptive qualitative study was conducted. A proactive sample of 7 students with dyslexia, attendingthe 2nd and 3rd year of a nursing course, was selected. Data collection took place through written narratives, inthe period October 2019-January 2021. Data analysis was performed with content analysis.Results One of the most widely used tools for identifying abuse’s risk for high school and university students isAUDIT The analysis process made it possible to identify seven main categories: internship environment, carepractice, compensatory strategies, SpLDs dissemination, support figures, relationship with patients, and learningknowledge. Nursing students have difficulty communicating their dyslexia, and the inclusion in the wards for the internshipgenerates an important inconvenience that is given by not knowing in advance the organizational aspects and theplanning of the activities. Another critical issue is the preparation and administration of medications.Conclusions It is important to know and make known dyslexia to build learning environments in which nursingstudents do not feel stigmatized and for tutors to know the compensatory strategies to support their education.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.