The process nurses adopt to solve thè parienfs' problems isknown as "Problem Solving" in thè literature. Problem SolvingAbilities include Diagnostic Reasoning, Prognostic Judgmentand Decision Making. Nursing students apply thè PrablemSolving to thè Nursing Process that ìs thè mental and operativeapproach that nurses use to pian thè nursing care.The purpose of thè present study is to examine if there is apositive retationship befween thè number of EducationalTutoriol Sirategies (Briefing, Debriefing and Discussionaccording to thè Objective Structured Clinicai ExaminationMethodology) used for nursing students and their learning ofProblem Solving Abìiitles (Diagnostic Reasoning, PrognosticJudgment and Decision Making). The study design wasretrospective, descriptive and comparative. The ProblemSolving Instrument, specifically developed for this study andproved for its reliability and validity, was used to collect thèdata from a sample or 106 nursing care plans elaborated bythè second-year students of thè Bachelor Degree in Nursing ofthè University of Udine. Nursing care plans were elaboratedduring three times consecutively, after students hadparticipated in different Educational Tutorial Strategies. Resultsshowed that thè more thè students took part in a highernumber of Educational Tutorial Strategies thè more theysignificantly increased their Problem Solving Abilities. Theresults demonstrate that it Ìs important to use EducationalTutorial Strategies in thè nursing education to teach skills.
II processo che i professionisti infermieri mettono in atto perrisolvere i problemi, in letteratura è definito Probiem Solving.Esso è composto da varie fasi in cui predominano ilRagionamento Diagnostice, il Giudizio Prognostico e ilDecision Making. Lo studente infermiere applica il ProblemSolving attraverso il Processo di Nursing che rappresentat'approccio mentale e operativo che l'infermiere utilizza perpianificare l'assistenza infermieristica.L'obiettivo dei presente studio è stato quello di verificare seesiste una relazione positiva tra il numero delle StrategieDidattico-Tutoriali (Briefing, Debriefing e discussioni secondola Metodologia dell'Objective Structured Clinicai Examination)a cui è sottoposto lo studente e l'abilità di Problem Solving(Ragionamento Diagnostico, Giudizio Prognostico e DecisionMaking) acquisita dallo stesso.Il disegno dello studio è stato retrospettivo, descrittivo ecomparativo. Con l'ausilio di uno strumento elaborato ad hoc(Scheda Abilità di Problem Solving) e testato per la suavalidità ed affidabilità, sono state analizzate 106pianificazioni assistenziali svolte dagli studenti del secondoanno del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica dell'Università diUdine. Le pianificazioni sono state elaborate in tre tempisuccessivi, dopo aver attivato con io studente differentiStrategìe Didattico-Tutoriali.I risultati hanno messo in evidenza come, sottoponendoprogressivamente lo studente ad un numero crescente diStrategìe Didattico-Tutoriali, siano cresciute parallelamente edin modo statisticamente significativo, ie sue abilità di ProblemSolving. I risultati emersi dimostrano quindi l'importanza diinserire nei programmi di formazione per infermieri l'utilizzodi Strategie Didattico-Tutoriali finalizzate all'insegnamentoefficace di skills.Parole chiave: Pianifica
L'abilità di problem solving dello studente infermiere: l'esperienza del corso di Laurea in Infermieristica dell'Università di Udine
Galletti C;
The process nurses adopt to solve thè parienfs' problems isknown as "Problem Solving" in thè literature. Problem SolvingAbilities include Diagnostic Reasoning, Prognostic Judgmentand Decision Making. Nursing students apply thè PrablemSolving to thè Nursing Process that ìs thè mental and operativeapproach that nurses use to pian thè nursing care.The purpose of thè present study is to examine if there is apositive retationship befween thè number of EducationalTutoriol Sirategies (Briefing, Debriefing and Discussionaccording to thè Objective Structured Clinicai ExaminationMethodology) used for nursing students and their learning ofProblem Solving Abìiitles (Diagnostic Reasoning, PrognosticJudgment and Decision Making). The study design wasretrospective, descriptive and comparative. The ProblemSolving Instrument, specifically developed for this study andproved for its reliability and validity, was used to collect thèdata from a sample or 106 nursing care plans elaborated bythè second-year students of thè Bachelor Degree in Nursing ofthè University of Udine. Nursing care plans were elaboratedduring three times consecutively, after students hadparticipated in different Educational Tutorial Strategies. Resultsshowed that thè more thè students took part in a highernumber of Educational Tutorial Strategies thè more theysignificantly increased their Problem Solving Abilities. Theresults demonstrate that it Ìs important to use EducationalTutorial Strategies in thè nursing education to teach skills.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.