Università degli Studi Link Campus University
A Bayesian Network Model for Supporting School Managers Decisions in the Pandemic Era
2022-01-01 Musella, Flaminia; Vicard, Paola; De Angelis, Maria Chiara
A Bayesian Network Model for Supporting School Managers Decisions in the Pandemic Era
2022-01-01 Musella, Flaminia; Vicard, Paola; De Angelis, Maria Chiara
A Constraint-based Algorithm for Nonparanormal Data
2018-01-01 Musella, F; Vicard, P; Vitale, V
A PC algorithm variation for ordinal variables
2013-01-01 Musella, F
A proposal for learning Bayesian networks from categorical variables
2015-01-01 Musella, F
A tool for managing information to improve services: probabilistic expert systems
2008-01-01 Musella, F; Guglielmetti, R; Vicard, P; Renzi, M. F.
An Internal and External Performance Model Using Probabilistic Expert Systems: an Experimental Test of an Italian Master's Programme
2013-01-01 Di Pietro, L; Guglielmetti, R; Musella, F; Renzi, Mf; Vicard, P
An intersectional study on student learning outcome perceptions
2023-01-01 Musella, F.; Marinensi, G.; Botte, B.
2021-01-01 Capogna, S; Musella, F; De Angelis, Mc
Analisi sulla didattica a distanza durante l'emergenza COVID-19
2021-01-01 Capogna, S; Musella, F; Cianfriglia, L
Appendice: L'iter e il metodo della ricerca
2017-01-01 Capogna, S; Musella, F
Bayesian Network structural learning in multivariate time series
2014-01-01 Bramati, Mc; Musella, F
Bayesian networks as a territorial gender impact assessment tool
2023-01-01 Musella, F; Giammei, L; Romio, S; Vicard, P; Mecatti, F
Bayesian networks for monitoring the gender gap
2022-01-01 Musella, F.; Giammei, L.; Romio, S.; Vicard, P.; Mecatti, F.
Bayesian networks for supporting the digitization process in Italian schools
2016-01-01 Musella, F; Capogna, S; De Angelis, Mc
Bayesian networks structural learning from ordinal data
2011-01-01 Musella, F
Bayesian networks versus gender bias
2022-01-01 Mecatti, Fulvia; Vicard, Paola; Musella, Flaminia; Giammei, Lorenzo
Building improved gender equality composite indicators by object-oriented bayesian networks
2023-01-01 Giammei, L.; Musella, F.; Mecatti, F.; Vicard, P.
Cashless payment: behavior changes and gender dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic
2024-01-01 Graziano, Ea; Musella, F; Petroccione, Gerardo
2011-01-01 Musella, F; Edwards, D; Højsgaard, S